God Is Just Like Jesus  

God Is Just Like Jesus

Author: Chris Sarris

I love to look at how Jesus relates to all kinds of people because His good character and wonderful emotional health perfectly reveal God's good character and amazing emotional health.Jesus said, "If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father [God]" - John 14:9If you want to know what God, who is invisible, is like, merely look at how Jesus relates to imperfect people who fail and sin. There is no one in the entire Bible who "has it together" or is morally perfect.There are only those who are drawn by Jesus' goodness and respond to Him more and more and those who are offended and angered by His goodness, compassion and strength and pull back to become haters.Surprisingly, many of the religious leaders of the day (conservative Pharisees and liberal Sadducees) hate Jesus the most. Everyday people, whether laborers, fisherman, learned scholars, tax collectors, party people or prostitutes respond to Jesus' authenticity, honestly, compassion, challenge, instruction and fierceness the most!Jesus is the single most unique human to walk planet earth and He claimed to be God in human form!But the joy is watching Him is relishing is Goodness!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Kids & Family, Religion & Spirituality

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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