

"Impossible" is a word we hear often in medicine

Author: Joule Inc.

"Impossible" is a word we hear often in medicineespecially related to innovation. But if you hear it enough, you might just start to believe it. The truth is, innovation is everywhere. Bold ideas and creations are happening right now, eager to be discovered and implemented. While real progress doesnt happen overnight, its not impossible. Impossible is just a state of mind. That's where we come in. Were here to make you believe againby interviewing thought leaders who are making strides in Canadian health care and beyond. They share their ideas that are shaping the world and we spread them. Our hope? To inspire you to make bold strides for progress, no matter what you do. Care to find out more? Listen to Boldly, powered by Joule. For podcast show notes and related content please visit:
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COVID-19 : reconnaître et surmonter la détresse morale (balado de l'ACPM)
Monday, 11 May, 2020

Les situations et les décisions difficiles sont incontournables dans la vie des médecins. Pendant une crise (comme une pandémie), cette pression peut provoquer de la détresse morale. Dans un balado de l’Association canadienne de protection médicale, les médecins Yolanda Madarnas et Steven Bellemare abordent ce sujet avec la psychiatre Caroline Gérin-Lajoie, vice-présidente, Santé et bien-être des médecins à l’Association médicale canadienne.


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