Geological landforms: Dorset and The Isle of Skye - for iPad/Mac/PC  

Geological landforms: Dorset and The Isle of Skye - for iPad/Mac/PC

Author: The Open University

Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, its origin, structure, processes and composition. This album is mainly concerned with the interpretation of geological maps and the relationship between the landscape and underlying rocks. The Open University's Dr Iain Gilmour talks us through the geological landforms of Dorset and the Isle of Skye, using geological maps and actual footage of the locations to illustrate his points. This material forms part of The Open University course S260 Geology.
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Geological landforms: Dorset and The Isle of Skye
Friday, 17 July, 2009

Geology is the scientific study of the Earth, its origin, structure, processes and composition. This album is mainly concerned with the interpretation of geological maps and the relationship between the landscape and underlying rocks. The Open University's Dr Iain Gilmour talks us through the geological landforms of Dorset and the Isle of Skye, using geological maps and actual footage of the locations to illustrate his points. This material forms part of the course S260 Geology.


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