Begin With Opal  

Begin With Opal

Author: DAndrew Parker

Within this space you will find everything, and at the same time - you will find nothing. As life is paradoxical, so will this expression of my truth be. I have much to offer, and the magnitude of what I envision cannot be contained to a specific subject, dogma, or doctrine. I am my creator, and my creator is me. The world would have me call this a podcast, but I see it as a multi-dimensional conduit of passionate expressions that will reach an infinite number of people around the world. Not, just the people you can physically see. I also share this space with the people, you cant see.
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Begin with Opal: My Journey Through Earth School - Episode 5: Strength Courage, and Wisdom.
Friday, 22 May, 2020

Strength Courage, and Wisdom. It's been inside of me all long.  When we acknowledge external as strength, external wisdom, and external 


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