Power 2 the People  

Power 2 the People

Author: C. Felton / Glenn Miller

A show about politics emphasizing it's connections to broader culture. ( Including the arts, history, science, and religion.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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Tartaria Pt 1
Monday, 25 July, 2022

The Tartarian Empire, Tartary or also sometimes calls The Great Tartary (Tartaria Magna in Latin), was the name given to a land mass that stretched from Asia all the way to the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Many Historians also say that it included parts if not all of the Americas at one point. There are references to this once massive Empire all through history but also in writings such as Shakespeare, Mary Shelly's Frankenstein and many other sources.  On this episode of Power to the People we explore this historical narrative and even as we always do give you some books to referance in your search should you so choose. Special guest are Mr. Tarvus Alberthy and Serag.    


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