2A Cops  

2A Cops

Cops Supporting Gun Rights


We are 2 cops that support gun rights for all Americans. Learn what law enforcement really thinks about the Second Amendment and what they are doing to protect your rights. Check us out on social media: 2A Cops on YouTube 2A Cops articles Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
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Genres: News, News Commentary, Politics

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28th Amendment
Episode 13
Friday, 9 June, 2023

2A Cops articles Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Check out my other channel, In this episode of "2A Cops Supporting Gun Rights", the hosts provide their perspective on California Governor Gavin Newsom's proposed 28th Amendment aimed at implementing common sense gun safety measures. The hosts question Newsom's intentions and discuss the potential negative consequences of the proposed amendment. They also touch on Newsom's previous actions as Governor and share their own experiences. In addition, the hosts discuss a proposed 28th Amendment that aims to increase the minimum age for purchasing firearms, mandate universal background checks, and institute a waiting period. The hosts weigh in on these measures and discuss their effectiveness in California, where similar measures are already in place. The hosts encourage listeners to subscribe, like, and leave comments to support their podcast. 1. What is the proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution and who is supporting it? Answer: The proposed 28th Amendment aims to implement common sense gun safety measures and is being supported by Gavin Newsom, the current Governor of California. 2. What is the perspective of cops on Gavin Newsom's proposed 28th Amendment? Answer: The podcast "Two Cops Supporting Gun Rights" will provide a perspective from the point of view of cops and what they think of the Governor's proposal. 3. Why does the speaker believe that fighting against a particular politician is necessary to protect the Second Amendment? Answer: The speaker believes that the politician's ideas are absurd and fighting against them is necessary to protect the Second Amendment. 4. What is constitutional carry and how does the speaker propose to solve the crime problem in California through it? Answer: Constitutional carry is the proposal to allow gun owners to carry concealed, lawfully purchased guns. The speaker proposes instituting constitutional carry in California to solve the crime problem. 5. What are the common sense gun safety measures proposed in the 20th Amendment, and why do gun owners overwhelmingly support them in California? Answer: The proposed common sense gun safety measures include increasing the minimum age for purchasing firearms from 18 to 21, mandating universal background checks, and instating waiting periods for all gun purchases. Gun owners overwhelmingly support these measures in California. 6. Why are the speakers skeptical about the idea of calling for an Article Five convention of States? Answer: The speakers are skeptical that this proposal will garner enough support. 8. What are the concerns regarding the 28th Amendment potentially taking away the Second Amendment, and why does the speaker believe it won't pass? Answer: There are concerns that the 28th Amendment may violate the Second Amendment, but the speaker believes it won't pass. 9. What is Gavin Newsom's stance on gun control, and what has he already implemented in California? Answer: Gavin Newsom advocates for gun control and has already implemented measures such as banning assault weapons in California. #rifle #igmilitia #gunrights #pewpewpew #kag #tactical #shooting #constitution #keepamericagreat #ccw #gunporn #politics #guncontrol #backtheblue #military #shallnotbeinfringed #gunstagram #x #gunlife #weapons #selfdefense #pro #handgun #donaldtrump #progun #libertarian #wethepeople #righttobeararms #bluelivesmatter #makeamericagreatagain #police #thinblueline #lawenforcement #cops #policeofficer #k #military #policia #army #backtheblue #cop #sheriff #bluelivesmatter #tactical #polizei #usa #firstresponders #policecar #love #policiamilitar #instagram #firefighter #covid #a #india #policeman #swat #fire #upsc #news


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