Survival Medicine  

Survival Medicine

Author: NurseAmyandDrBones

Doom and Bloom,Nurse Amy,Dr Bones,Survival,Survival Medicine,Traditional and Alternative Medical Advice including Survival Medicine or Collapse Medicine.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness

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Survival Medicine Podcast: Victim transport, Mass Casualties, Bird Flu update
Saturday, 23 November, 2024

In this episode, Joe and Amy discuss how to evaluate the victims of a mass casualty event, concentrating on your actions with each individual patient using the START and SALT protocols. They also update you on the latest in Bird Flu news, is it heading for pandemic status? Short answer: unlikely. Plus, Dr. Joe Alton talks about your options when transporting patient with a team and equipment or just by your lonesome self and with bare hands! All this and more on the latest Survival Medicine Podcast with Joe and Amy Alton, aka Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy! Wishing you the best of health in good times or bad, The Altons Hey, don't forget Dr. Alton's quality medical kits and individual supplies at You'll be glad you did!


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