Stay Woke  

Stay Woke

Author: Tyla Smith

On this podcast I will cover a lot of things from politics, social justice, climate change, systemic racism etc. I will open your eyes to the truth about the things going on in the world.
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Language: en

Genres: News, News Commentary

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MAGA TERRORISTS siege U.S. Capitol Building: Endangering the lives of Politicians.
Episode 3
Thursday, 7 January, 2021

On January 6th, 2021, MAGA supporters broke into the U.S. Capitol destroyed property, attacked cops, and endangered the lives of politicians, while most cops stood by and let it happen. Few arrests were made, had it been BLM peacefully protesting the police would have been on high alert This is a very clear example of white privilege. Cops not doing their job, and MAGA supporters should be held accountable. (I talked about the civil rights movement, and I know there were some allies. I was only talking about the white people that were hurting protestors during that era and comparing it to today) Black people get negative attention from police just for the color of their skin and a lot of the times there is no justice. Recently the cop who shot Jacob Blake got out off punishment for shooting him in front of his kids. This country needs to wake up and realize that we are not as great of a country as we say we are and have never been. STAY WOKE AMERICA!


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