Just Us Weirdos  

Just Us Weirdos

Family Friendly Superhero Action

Author: Charlie & Gabe White

Strange superpowers start emerging among a group of pre-teens from Quadropolis, and theyre going to have to figure out how to use them to save the city. It starts as a simple effort to become the sidekick of the local superhero, but these kids discover a role that goes far beyond sidekick. Listen as they uncover villains, find creative ways to use their powers, and realize that titles hero and villain are more complicated than they first seem.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Kids & Family, Stories for Kids

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Issue 41: Enter the Mythonet
Thursday, 26 November, 2020

Weirdos is BACK! Popularity Contest continues the Weirdos at War storyline, as Baninja and Team Jodande try to recruit new superpowered kids from all around the world to his cause. Tune in to see if superhero teams use video calls better than your teachers! The post Issue 41: Enter the Mythonet appeared first on Just Us Weirdos.


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