The Good Enough Mums Club Podcast  

The Good Enough Mums Club Podcast

Author: The Good Enough Mums Club

The Good Enough Mums Club is the most diverse podcast about motherhood out there. We care about all experiences of motherhood & want to share those stories with you. The podcast is based on the feel-good musical of the same name & every week our hosts Emily Beecher & Jade Samuels initiate a mum into the club. So whether youve just finished the morning school run or the kids are finally wrestled into bed, join us as we leave our judgy-pants behind & accept that sometimes being good enough is best. If you have a story youd like to share wed love to hear from you:
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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S1: Bonus Episode - Mum Would You Rather?
Thursday, 26 November, 2020

Being a mum is amazing, but it is HARD, but it can also be pretty funny at times too - as our hosts Emily Beecher and Jade Samuels know all too well. You've heard them ask all our guests from Season 1, so now we've turned the tables as they play a round of Mum Would You Rather.  Join the club by following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by searching “Good Enough Mums Club.”


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