

Author: John Norton

A podcasted monologue, hence modcast, of discursive, peripatetic story telling. I want to get my stories down before I forget or die of Covid or bear attack. Anchor asked me to categorize it. I went with Improv. Isnt life just an improvised comedy? I certainly didnt get the script. Probably because there is no writer, director, or producer. But there do seem to be lighting and sound departments, and really heavy special effects. Let's not forget the actors, extras, and craft services! Metaphors will me mixed, facts unchecked, tales embellished. You've been warned.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Improv

Contact email: Get it

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Yak Fur in Aspen
Wednesday, 10 January, 2024

Second yearly trip to Aspen, and I'm slurring my words. A bout of drink after a 20 mile bike ride up to Maroon Bells from Difficult Campground below Independence Pass. I rolled into town thirsty for the rich and local friends of Hunter. And I met them. A rich dude stole my jacket. So, what else is new... Aspen, where women dress as the Man With No Name and the men are well-coifed with yak toupees.


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