Constant Conversations  

Constant Conversations

Author: Blake

Does any of this make sense? Well-half of it does, the other three fourths is complete nonsense. This description, so far, is an amazing example of this. My names Wilder, on this stupid podcast Ive started, Ill be talking with a few people I know, Mark, Masky, Lety, Hans, and maybe a few others if I can convince them to join us on this podcast. And diddly darn is it fun to record and listEn to over and over again. Some of these episodes are roleplay, some are just us talking about things that dont make sense.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Improv

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Oh Look, The First One!
Episode 1
Wednesday, 24 June, 2020

Today, here on the first episode of this podcasts, Masky and I, Wilder Stone, are here to talk about random nonsense!


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