The Moon  

The Moon

Author: Ella Jean

Welcome to The Moon. Room for 1? 2019 is a big year for The Moon! In this fiction podcast, Ella Jean is tasked with translating alien communication from other planets into a form humans can understand. She's no astronaut per se, but she does know Elon Musk. As a linguist, researcher, and artist she is humbled by the responsibility to be an ambassador for Earth... But did they merely need someone to answer the phone?
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Language: en-ca

Genres: Comedy, Improv

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Episode 1
Monday, 25 March, 2019

The Moon is a loner comedy set on the first ever permanent research facility on the dark side of the moon set up by the Chinese government and SpaceX. Ella Jean is a linguist, researcher, and artist tasked with translating alien communication from other planets into a form humans can understand. The mission is top secret, and it's everything she's ever wanted. But when the excitement of the new job fades, she begins to wonder if she was really hired for her skill of they just needed someone to be there to answer the phone. In this episode Ella is trying her best to settle into her new environment with the help of her on-board operating system, MAROA. There's a sad irony to the fact that, while she's always dreamed of being on the moon, the view of Earth is so mesmerising that her appreciation for it is that much greater.


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