Radical Ally  

Radical Ally

Author: Grace Alcantar

Your go to podcast for Bay Area resources, services, public affairs, social justice, and health well being. In this episode we discuss Bay Area housing resources and rental assistance for those being affected by COVID-19.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, How To

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Lose weight cheaply, effectively, and for good!
Thursday, 25 March, 2021

Radical Ally is your go to podcast for resources, community affairs, social justice, environmental and health well being!  In this episode we dispel the myths of fat in our diet, while examining the real culprits that make us gain weight: excessive carbs and sugar.  We also learn what foods make us lose weight and keep it off!   Books about Sugar, health, & Carbs  1. Gary Taubes- “Case Against Sugar” 2. Gary Taubes- “Good Calories, Bad Calories” 3. Vanni Hari- “Feeding you lies”   Websites Academy of Culinary Nutrition- culinary   Sugar Formula   4 grams= 1 teaspoon of sugar Total g ÷ 4 g= total tsps of sugar (Note: watch your servings!  Some labels give you sugar content in servings. 10 g of sugar in 8 oz of a drink containing a total of 16 fluid oz.  Carb formula  Total gram Carbs - Total Fiber grams= Net Carbs   Dirty Dozen (Produce to Avoid) -   Foods low in Carbs/ Sugar- Write to me and let me know your​


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