

Author: Robert Bridge

Instagram user robbwindow explaining and presenting music for friends, artists, celebrities, producers, studios, fashion models, kids or anyone else on TikTok. Creating musical stories on Spotify including new music from artists, DJs and performers. Based in UK. All good. Warning I also blog lunch, breakfasts and evening meals and dog walks, clearing up rubbish and
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Non-Profit

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1. Spotify Explained - robbwindow #mmc
Saturday, 24 October, 2020

Welcome my name is Robert Bridge. Follow me on Instagram at @robbwindow for Spotify Playlists, food diary and walking the dog. I live in London, like music of many genre's and spend most of my days compiling Spotify playlists. I suggest you follow me there my user number is 111528678 or look out for names of playlists and make a note of there names or better still bookmark and share in social media for future entertainment references.


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