Mr Butlers Class  

Mr Butlers Class

Author: Jake Butler

After being a teacher for 6 years, I one day came across the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over-and-over but expecting a different result. This was the same day that a 6th grade student jumped in my face and wanted to fight as I was preparing a disciplinary action for not doing an assignment. While acting irate, his exact words were: Mr Butler Im going to f** you up. After looking at him as if he had lost his mind and simultaneously envisioning me losing my job if I touched a student; I went home that day and engulfed myself in the book Rich Dad Poor Dad. My life changed!
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Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship

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Episode 6: What is an Asset?
Episode 6
Monday, 8 June, 2020

If you spend your life concentrating on buying assets then you will become very rich. I didn’t learn the real and simple definition of what an “asset” really is until I graduated from college. That’s so horrible. Even if someone told me what an “asset” was at a young age, or even if I knew how to write the definition on a school test; in reality I really had no clue what it really meant. This episode is to help you know what an “asset” really is and definitely make a list of the many assets that exist and then learn as much as you can about the ones that interest you. Your mind is the most valuable asset that you will ever have, and now you just want to begin to add to it as you progress through life. Education is an asset as well as it can help to put money into your pocket, but a “financial education” is the type that you want to seek and go after with great vigor and energy.


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