Spooks and Crimes  

Spooks and Crimes

Author: spooksandcrimespodcast

In this podcast we talk about paranormal urban legends big crimes small crimes murder and killers. There is ALOT of cussing dark humor and some details that could be disturbing and shouldn't be played around kids. We have a Facebook and Instagram, they're private page so be sure to message them with the word "PODCAST" We have a YouTube patreon page all under Spooksandcrimespodcast. Our email is to have us tell your stories of any paranormal crime murder anything. You can also request a story and receive a shout-out. We hope you share us with others. Byyee
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Language: en

Genres: True Crime

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episode 92 The Omen Movie Curse
Episode 92
Friday, 17 March, 2023

In this episode we talk about weird and unfortunate things that happened to people associated with The Omen movie. We also talk about the Shaker's Cigar Bar that may or may not be haunted in Wisconsin.  We apologize for the audio quality. It's a little off in this episode.


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