Not Your Veterinarian  

Not Your Veterinarian

Have questions about your pet? You need a veterinarian. Every week life-long pet owner Autumn talks with Dr. Chris Pagel, a Wisconsin veterinarian with years of experience in treating everything from tiny kittens to full size bears, in attempt...

Author: Autumn Mentink

Have questions about your pet? You need a veterinarian. Every week life-long pet owner Autumn talks with Dr. Chris Pagel, a Wisconsin veterinarian with years of experience in treating everything from tiny kittens to full size bears, in attempt answer pet questions and cut through the b.s.You need a veterinarian, we have a veterinarian, but it's not your veternarian. Remember: no podcast, video, message board, chatroom, or internet search can ever replace a real life veternarian who knows your pets. But we can probably give you some place to start.Intro and bump music from ReelWorldSound effects from (except for the kitten meow, which comes from Pixabay)
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Kids & Family, Medicine, Pets & Animals

Contact email: Get it

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*Down There*
Episode 11
Friday, 17 May, 2024

The last episode of the nose-to-tail series covers everything from the armpits to the knees...including, yes, *down there.* Apologies to any Australian listeners.


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