Stop the Pledge of Allegiance from Francis Bellamy & Socialist Symbolism exposed by Dr. Rex Curry  

Stop the Pledge of Allegiance from Francis Bellamy & Socialist Symbolism exposed by Dr. Rex Curry

Pledge of Allegiance & Francis Bellamy & German Socialist Symbolism exposed by Historian Dr. Rex Curry

Author: Rex Curry

The Pledge of Allegiance was the origin of the fascist gesture used under the Third Reich. The pledge caused nazi behavior in the USA too. Francis Bellamy was the author of the pledge and the origin of the Hitler salute that was used in the early pledge's ritualized daily mechanical indoctrination. The early pledge began with a military salute that was then extended outward to point at the flag. In practice the second gesture was performed palm-down. It was not an ancient Roman salute (a debunked myth). Francis and his cousin (Edward Bellamy) were both national socialists in the USA and influenced the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) and the National Socialist German Workers Party, its dogma, rituals and symbols (including the use of the swastika as crossed "S" letters for "socialism"). Although swastikas are ancient symbols that pre-date German National Socialism (Nazism) by centuries, the Nazis did not call their symbol a "swastika" and they did not call themselves "Nazis" (nor "fascists"). They called themselves National Socialists and they called their symbol a Hakenkreuz (hooked cross, a type of cross) and they altered their symbol by turning it 45 degrees from the horizontal and pointing it in the S-direction to symbolize S-letters for their "socialism." They had similar stylized alphabetical symbolism for the "SS" division, the "SA," the "NSV," and even VW (the letters V and W combined for "volkswagen"). (See the discoveries of the historian Dr. Rex Curry). The symbol had previously been used on the money of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and by the Theosophical Society and by the American national socialist Edward Bellamy, cousin of Francis Bellamy (author of the anti libertarian pledge, the origin of the so-called "German greeting" and robotic chanting). In that sense, many people defame the ancient "swastika" by using that wrong term for the German symbol (which was actually called the "Hakenkreuz") and by failing to distinguish it
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Edward Bellamy & Francis Bellamy author of USA's Pledge of Allegiance & the Bellamy Salute are exposed by Historian Dr. Rex Curry
Friday, 3 January, 2025

Edward Bellamy & Francis Bellamy created the USA's socialist police state. Edward touted National Socialism for the USA and Francis was the author of the USA's Pledge of Allegiance & the Bellamy Salute the origin of Nazi salutes & Nazi behavior adopted later under German socialism. Nazi salutes were born in the USA. Most people are unaware that the use of the military salute in the USA's early Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was the origin of Nazi salutes and Nazi behavior (that's a top discovery by American Historian Laureate Dr. Rex Curry). It happened in government schools (socialist schools) in Germany AND in the USA (the Bellamy Salute before Germany did it). Francis and Edward: They're cousins, identical cousins all the way. One pair of matching bookends, each was a National Socialist. The book “All Historians Did Not See” explains the amazing discoveries. "S means SOCIALISM" was the flag symbol of Germany's notorious socialist dictator (another #1 discovery by Dr. Rex Curry).  Hitler was SOCIALISM'S top graphic design Artist. Compare the "NSV, SA, SS, VW Description Test" to learn more about Hitler's socialist symbols. Most videos are ignorant of all that and ignorant of Hitler's vocabulary.  Hitler didn't call his symbol a swastika. Most content creators want their audience to believe a lie: that Hitler gave speeches about his "Nazi Party" and "Fascism" (Hitler didn't). Nearly everyone is a "Liar For Socialism". Everyone misgenders Hitler. Videographers refuse to tell the truth: "Hitler self-identified as SOCIALIST by the very word. He never self-identified as 'Nazi' nor 'Fascist'". Modern socialists are ashamed that they self-identify the same as Hitler: SOCIALIST. Soviet socialism joined German socialism to start WW2, invading Poland together and going onward for International Socialism. You have probably heard that Marxist professors teach socialist lies in colleges. But so-called "republicans, libertarians, and conservatives" teach socialist lies because they aren't smart enough to realize it and they just repeat popular socialist fabrications.


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