Addiction and Recovery  

Addiction and Recovery

Author: Chris West-Russell

Chris has and is producing podcasts on addiction from an addict's perspective. Living with the disease of addiction for most of his life, 8 years active addiction and 40 years in remission (sobriety), Chris and his guests will talk about understanding the disease of addiction. Their experience, strength and hope will give those struggling with the grip of addiction, from the active and recovering, family and friends of an addict an understanding about addiction told by people who have been there, an understanding that can and will save lives. Join Chris and guests and let's help each other
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Mental Health

Contact email: Get it

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41 years sobriety birthday share - Experience Strength and Hope
Tuesday, 5 December, 2023

Chris is an addict in remission of the incurable chronic mental health disease known as "addiction". On the 08th November 1982, he took his last drug, and day by day, one day at a time, 14956 days later he was invited to share his experience, strength and hope at the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Paarl. He has accepted his condition of addiction and by doing so has learnt to love himself as well. The journey continues.


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