Weekly Catch-up Podcast  

Weekly Catch-up Podcast

Author: Weekly Catch-up Podcast

Join Bradley Colvin and Carson Gibbons, a high school teacher and a startup guy who have been friends since their college days as they get together once a week to catch up and discuss professional life, culture, entertainment, news, politics, religion and sports. Yes, there's no format.
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Language: en

Genres: News, News Commentary

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Weekly Catch-up Podcast #93
Episode 93
Sunday, 27 February, 2022

Weekly Catch-up Podcast #93 with Carson Gibbons and Bradley Colvin. In Episode #93 the guys discuss: Episode #93! B-rad's about to get hitched Reflections on the bachelor party in Burneyville Golfing with the boys Gerald tries to buy a house Real Estate in DFW  Kanye releasing STEM Player and new Album Donda 2 Russia invades Ukraine Cryptocurrency's role in geopolitics #crypto #russia #ukraine #bachelor  Show Resources Weekly Catch-up Podcast Website: Weekly Catch-up Podcast Twitter: Weekly Catch-up Podcast YouTube: Weekly Catch-up Podcast Apple: Weekly Catch-up Podcast Spotify: Carson Gibbons on Instagram: Carson Gibbons on Twitter: Bradley Colvin on Instagram: Bradley Colvin on Twitter:


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