Intentional Teach Project  

Intentional Teach Project

Author: Nicole VanTassel

The Intentional Teach Project is an exploration into teaching (and living) more intentionally -- in a way that appreciates learning as the partnership it is, prioritizes the well-being of and connection amongst students and teachers, and embraces an inquiry-based, student-driven approach to teaching and learning.If you're a teacher and you're open to exploring a more whole-child approach in your interactions with students (while honoring your own whole-person needs as well!), you're in the right place. This podcast will explore topics like student behavior, classroom cultures, engaging inquiry-based instruction, student-driven learning, trauma-informed practices, mindfulness, self-care and teacher mental health. Sound good? If so, here's your official welcome: you belong here!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Education, How To, Kids & Family, Parenting

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

iTunes ID: Get it

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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