SporkcastJohnny Spork talks to guests, and hilarity ensues! Author: Johnny Spork
Johnny Spork and his unconventional, usually anonymous guests discuss anything and everything, and something hilarious usually happens. Language: en-us Genres: Comedy Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it |
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Episode 1 - Horrible Houseguests, Hollywood, Dating, Bieber, and Bears (Oh My!)
Thursday, 21 February, 2013
Guests: Davey Danger and Niki (AKA Khalid Sheik Ihatewomen). We sat down last Saturday to discuss their house guests from hell, whose cock in Hollywood I would suck (apparently anyone's), we read a little of my dating site emails, and discuss a little bit of everything, including the Bieb, the Pope, and what I think constitutes a good shower scene! Buckle up and strap in, it's episode 1, and things are already getting offensive!