Healthy Under Pressure  

Healthy Under Pressure

Author: Amber Pankonin, RD

Hosted by Registered Dietitian Amber Pankonin, this podcast highlights the ups and downs of entrepreneurs, startups and busy people learning to live healthy under pressure.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Entrepreneurship, Health & Fitness, Nutrition

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Cami Ryan, PhD: Identifying Disinformation Under Pressure
Episode 77
Wednesday, 6 January, 2021

Cami Ryan, PhD is social and behavioral sciences lead for Bayer Crop Science. For over 25 years, Cami has worked in agriculture and ag sciences, most of that time as a public sector researcher. In her position with Regulatory Scientific Affairs (RSA), she is responsible for strengthening relationships and engaging with social, behavioral, and political scientists. Cami leverages an expanding scientific network in North America and around the world to more closely examine and understand policy, regulations, consumer behavior, and public acceptance of agricultural innovations.  During this episode, we discuss the monetization of disinformation and how you can identify disinformation vs. misinformation. 


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