Faegre Drinker Immigration Podcast  

Faegre Drinker Immigration Podcast

Author: Faegre Drinker

This podcast is all about immigration and only immigration. Immigration is such a complicated matter and typically very daunting and misunderstood. Our aim on this podcast is to make sure that immigration is not so difficult to understand and perhaps maybe even make it a little fun.
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Government

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The Global Talent Visa: Britain Welcomes Talent
Episode 8
Tuesday, 27 July, 2021

The U.K. Government continues to work to attract top talent from around the world in the wake of Brexit, and a recent change to the Global Talent Visa is the latest of these initiatives. This new scheme was launched on February 20, 2020, and it was designed to attract leaders in academia or research; arts and culture; and digital technology. The U.K. government recently revised the application requirements to streamline this route, making this a fast-track visa that will appeal most to award-winning individuals seeking an expedited process.


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