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Episode 1
Wednesday, 18 March, 2020

本系列13期音频+精编文本可在微信公众号:加心实验室,回复“新闻英语”获取For the first time ever, travelers can join an expedition to the deepest spot in the oceans历史首次,游客可加入探险队抵达海洋最深处expedition 远征 探险 考察big expedition 大远征the deepest spot 最深的地点这个最深的地方就是Marianas Trench in the western Pacific Ocean位于西太平洋的马里亚纳海沟Staff tell CNN Travel it's being offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, and they aren't releasing any details on the cost.first-come, first serve basis 先到先得原则 并未说明有关花费的更多细节名额只有3位,费用据推测不低于10w美金如果有可能的话,你愿意去看一看吗?


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