Real Estate Law Talk  

Real Estate Law Talk

Author: Rotating Cast

Real Estate Law Talk is the Podcast of The Real Estate Bar Association for Massachusetts. For over 150 years, REBAs shared legacy has been advancing the practice of real estate law while upholding and promoting fair dealing, professional networking and collegiality among members of the real estate bar. Today, REBA continues that enduring and proud legacy by creating and sponsoring professional standards, advocating in the legislative process on behalf of our members, mentoring new members of our profession and creating educational programs.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Education, How To, Non-Profit

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S2 E1: New Lawyers Tool Kit: All About Easements
Episode 1
Monday, 21 November, 2022

. Join Nicholas Shapiro and Robbie Hopkins, both shareholders at Phillips & Angley, for this informative panel discussion. Continuing the success of the “New Lawyers Tool Kit” sessions, the presenters will discuss the peculiarities and technicalities of easements in Massachusetts: What are they? How are they created? What types exist? What rights and obligations flow therefrom? How are they terminated? And everything in between. The program will provide new and experienced practitioners with a foundational overview of Massachusetts easement law, and will give all participants a working knowledge of the topic.


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