Mama Universe Experience  

Mama Universe Experience

Author: Deborah Shkodra

The Mama Universe Experience is your Podcast where we feature modern spirituality, vibrational healing, shadow work, reprogramming our subconscious and guided meditations.
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Inner Child healing Meditation
Friday, 10 January, 2020

This is a meditation that connects you to your inner child.  No matter how big or small, almost all of us experienced some kind of trauma as children and the traumas stay in our system. These traumas could vary from having our favorite stuffed toy thrown in the trash, to being abandoned by a best childhood friend or even to being physically or emotionally abused by caregivers/parents. Inner child work is so important for our soul and it is the best way to take control over our life.  Inner child healing work reconnects us with a wounded element of ourselves: the child within. When we reconnect with this fragmented part of ourselves, we can begin to discover the root of many of our fears, phobias, insecurities and sabotaging life patterns. This is where true healing happens. Give it a try. 


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