I Wasn't Ready For This  

I Wasn't Ready For This

Author: Raquel Alfaro

Raquel is just trying to navigate through life and share her truths on what it truly means to "adult."Sharing her thoughts, discussing hard-to-have conversations, giving advice, you name it. I mean let's face it we're still trying to adult so why not go through it together? New Episodes every Thursday at noon.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, How To

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Chasing A Financial Stream feat. Evelyn Tatiana
Episode 51
Thursday, 13 April, 2023

This is your official invitation to the IWRFT Guest series. A place where you'll learn unique stories, gain perspective, and advice from people. This week Raquel is joined by entrepreneur & business owner Evelyn Tatiana. They discuss topics around experiencing micro-aggressions, misogynistic behavior, starting a business, and more.


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