

Author: Steven Doughty

The Scubacast is about nerd culture at large. From movies and television to video games and literature, I try to talk about the larger topics that I am passionate about and want to discuss with my audience.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Leisure, Video Games

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Theme Parks and Nerd Culture - Scubacast #6
Episode 6
Saturday, 29 December, 2018

In this Scubacast, our main theme is Theme Parks.  I talk about their place in nerd culture, whether they are a worthy addition to a fandom, and whether the companies are utilizing their intellectual properties properly.  On top of that, we discuss the closure of Telltale Games, the Diablo Immortal announcement, then have a brief discussion on the concept of hype. YouTube: Twitter: Patreon: Instagram:


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