The Skills Ontario Trades & Tech Talk Podcast  

The Skills Ontario Trades & Tech Talk Podcast

Author: Dan Cardinal

Dan talks about 140 careers in the skilled trades and technologies and how important, in demand and rewarding these careers are. Everything from post-secondary education, apprenticeship, wages and so much more are discussed. Various guests include people who work in skilled trades and technologies; apprenticeship representatives; college representatives; teachers, and many more. This podcast is for students, teachers, parents or anyone who is interested in learning about careers in the skilled trades and technologies!
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Language: en-ca

Genres: Business, Careers, Education

Contact email: Get it

Feed URL: Get it

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Episode #13 - Trisha Morin (Mechanical Engineering Technologist, Project Manager & Estimator)
Thursday, 9 March, 2023

In honor of International Women's Day and Women in Construction Week 2023, Dan welcomes Trisha Morin to the podcast! Trisha is a Project Manager and Estimator, as well as a Mechanical Engineering Technologist who just received her 25 Year Membership Recognition with OACETT (Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists).  Trisha’s story is truly an inspiration for any young woman who is looking at getting into a career in skilled trades and technologies!


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