Pharmacists Out of the Box  

Pharmacists Out of the Box

Author: Heather Hardin and Bryn Tenney

Heather Hardin and Bryn Tenney share their journey of finding job satisfaction and personal growth in the pharmacy field. They are not your usual pharmacists. Daring to take their career "out of the box," Bryn and Heather discuss challenges and successes that they hope will help others find more joy and satisfaction in their pharmacy career. They offer interviews with change-leaders in life and pharmacy, as well as offer tips to help pharmacists and pharmacy students improve their career and their life. Join Heather and Bryn and take a journey with them as Pharmacists Out of the Box.
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Language: en-us

Genres: Business, Careers

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Season 2: Heather & Bryn Catch Up on Surviving 2020
Episode 1
Monday, 19 October, 2020

Wow!!! We have missed you!! It's time for a coffee time convo. We have been aching to chat with you all again, but this year (2020) has definitely changed our "normal." After surviving the past 6 months, it feels really good to sit back and catch up with you and each other. Where have we been? What is new? What have we learned? We hope everyone is doing well & growing in spite of the extreme changes. What have you been up to; how have you survived this year so far? #pharmacistsoutofthebox  Connect with Heather Hardin:  Facebook:  LinkedIn:  Instagram: pharmie_gal  website:  YouTube:  Pharmacists Out of the Box   Connect with Bryn Tenney:  Email:  Instagram:  bryntenney  YouTube:  Pharmacists Out of the Box


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