Chill Pill with Emma Ives  

Chill Pill with Emma Ives

Author: Emma Ives

I love all things medicine and my roommates were getting kind of tired listening to me talk about it. So now you can! I kick around ideas with my fellow peers in the health sciences. My goal is to inspire further dialogue in the field of medicine and engage the public in medical topics. I do all of my own research and will always cite my sources in the podcast as well as the description. Also a disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, not yet any way we are working on it, nor are any of my peers, so I will never give advice on medical stuff.
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Language: en

Genres: Health & Fitness, Medicine

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Voices of the Future
Episode 6
Monday, 18 October, 2021

Special guests Maya, Melissa, and Elizabeth give their takes on what inspired them to be a part of the pharmacy field as well as what the future of pharmacy looks like in honor of American Pharmacists Month. You can now follow me on Twitter: @CP_WithEmmaIves, and Instagram: @chillpill_withemmaives. Sources:


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