Radio Popstand  

Radio Popstand

Author: Jeff Wright

My thoughts, recollections and sometimes general nonsense on many subjects. Occasionally serious stuff as well, all here on Radio Popstand by Jeff Wright aka JeffersOnHere
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Language: en

Genres: News, News Commentary

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Popstand Returns. Series 2. Broadcast 1. BASIC Programming. Review of app Seal
Episode 1
Saturday, 10 April, 2021

We’re back after a year long break. Do you remember the BASIC programming language, relive on your iOS device with cbmHandBasic and hear about my adventures writing a new BASIC program in BASIC. Hear about the new social app Seal, an app where you take one snap per day at a random time, as chosen by the app. Make contact with Radio Popstand via Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or via voice message to - you could become a part of the next broadcast of Radio Popstand


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