Liberty Librarian  

Liberty Librarian

Author: Heather Biedermann

Liberty Librarian is the brainchild of Host Heather Biedermann - a home for intellectual freedom news (censorship, privacy, banned books, and more) as well as topics that range from alien abductions, delicious beers, movies, libraries, authors, and current events. This is recorded live, so audience participation is a big part of the show. Join us live every Thursday at 5pm CST on Youtube or Facebook, or enjoy at your leisure as a podcast.
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Language: en-us

Genres: News, News Commentary

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Ep. 1 - Liberty Librarian - with Genesis Mickel from Agorist Writers Workshop
Episode 1
Thursday, 8 October, 2020

Today's special guest is Genesis Mickel from Agorist Writer's Workshop, sharing the exciting news about the Clarion Call Anthology and the call for short story submissions in the "Religion and Spirituality," themed edition.


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