"The Grateful Dread" (podcast)  

"The Grateful Dread" (podcast)

Author: Andrew Young

I created this podcast to encourage people to begin their day by giving thanks and being grateful to be alive. Gratitude is the most powerful solution to any problem we face in life. and on this podcast I share stories of how God is working in my daily life that remind me to be grateful. My hope is that this spirit of gratitude can be contagious and we can create a community of people who practice gratitude and become walking beacons of light that encourage others to see the blessings within their struggles and offer encouragement and hope for them to keep going.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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Episode 106 "Get To The Place"
Friday, 16 July, 2021

In this episode I share  a lesson God's been teaching me over the past few months about getting to the place where I'm conscious of how truly blessed I am. Since the garden the enemy has been attacking our minds, trying to convince us that we are lacking something, to believe God has withheld something from us, and unfortunately far too often we believe the enemy, and we wind up in a state of victim consciousness. The truth is we ARE blessed and HIGHLY FAVORED! There is so much grace on our lives yet instead of appreciating the fact that we are able to walk today, that we aren't suffering from any terminal illness, that our children will have a meal today, that we have running water, etc we completely overlook those blessings and focus our energy on the bill we can't pay, or the car we don't have yet, or the credit score we don't have, and it's FOOLISH and UNGRATEFUL! Over the past few months God's been revealing to me that gratitude is truly the key that opens up that gate of heaven and creates opportunities for God to pour out His blessings on your life. Being thankful, rejoicing, praising, and worshipping God feels AMAZING and will completely shift your energy but more it starts with being AWARE of how blessed you already are and shifting your focus to one that SEES the grace that's on your life. Bishop TD Jakes gave this incredible sermon entitled "The Giver Comes First" and he told the story of Abraham and the ram in the bush and how God led Abraham to the hill where the ram would be and how he named the PLACE of his provision Javovah Jireh. So many people miss that important detail in that story and call God Jahova Jireh but it was a PLACE and the Bishop talked about how we must get back to the place and how that place is in the spirit and it's where we SEE with spiritual eyes, where we recognize how God is working in our situation and where we walk the path He lays out for us and are in alignment with His will for our lives. There is no safer place to be than in the will of God. When you give God the wheel He drives better than those parents that have "baby on board" on their windshield. He is THEE all knowing, He knows the turns up ahead, He knows who's gonna cut us off on the highway, He knows when we will be distracted and send a text while driving, and He's got us COVERED. Sometimes we have to rely on faith because we can't see what He's doing but it's in those moments that we can look at what He's already done and trust that He will continue to see us through. And when you don't have enough faith look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith and rely on His faith. It's in those moments where our faith isn't enough that we can say Lord help my unbelief and let Jesus carry us and experience God's grace. I pray this message blesses you and encourages you to look to Jesus and recognize how blessed you already are. I pray God gives you a peace that passes all understanding that allows you to rest in Jesus when you face any storm. As always, appreciate the blessings and stay grateful! Jimmy


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