Bono Loves Grace - What is Grace all about? a series of talks looking at what the bible says into todays culture  

Bono Loves Grace - What is Grace all about? a series of talks looking at what the bible says into todays culture

Author: clive parnell

A series of talks by Clive Parnell looking at What the bible has to say to us today
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Language: en-pi

Genres: Religion & Spirituality

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Prayer - How can prayer help us with worry, living life and understanding how we are in the light of the gospel?
Friday, 11 March, 2011

Prayer? How does prayer bring the right perspective? We all worry about things but how can prayer help? How does looking at the example in Philippians 4 help us gain the right view of God. Delve into the reality of the gospel to help you live.


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