Our Future Now  

Our Future Now

Our Future Now is the official podcast of the National Children's Campaign.

Author: Goal 17 Media

Our Future Now is the official podcast of the National Children's Campaign. NCC is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that serves as a catalyst to inspire and empower America to make children a priority by promoting health, education, safety, economic and environmental security through the power of media, grassroots, internet partnerships, business and community leaders, celebrities and subject matter experts.
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Language: en

Genres: Government, News, Politics

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Keep Fighting for Democracy
Episode 27
Thursday, 29 October, 2020

In this episode of Our Future Now!, National Children’s Campaign co-founders Natalie Mebane and Jonah Gottlieb are look back over the first season of Our Future Now! Reflecting on some of the themes that permeated season 1 and highlight some of the moments that made season 1 so impactful.   Visit to learn more about how Zero Hour and the National Children's Campaign are galvanizing Americans to vote on behalf of our nation's 74 million children, who deserve bold climate action and environmental justice.  Guests and Episodes: (List is organized into order guest appeared in the episode) ●     Dr. Mills - Back to School with COVID? ●     Mustafa Ali - COVID-19s’s Connection to Environmental Injustice ●     Destiny Hodges - Creating Black Spaces in the Environmental Movement ●     Cherrell Brown - Defund vs Abolish the Police ●     Devin Del Palacio - The BLM Movement to Transform this Country: Defund & Reinvest ●     Tom Steyer - Why Tom Steyer is Mobilizing Millenials & Gen Z for Biden ●     Antonique Smith - Vote for Love, Vote for Our Future   Learn more about elections in your area and apply for your absentee ballot   Get involved with the National Children’s Campaign   This episode of Our Future Now! was produced and edited by Sean Fox for and is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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