

Author: Ian

DreamForge: Pixels, Parenthood and 3D realms unveiled,  is a show based around my love of hobbies. Come on in and listen to this Dad ramble about his never ending list of hobbies and obsessions with some wholesome family fun and terrible dad jokes!
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Language: en-us

Genres: Hobbies, Leisure, Video Games

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DreamForge! New Beginnings
Episode 1
Tuesday, 9 January, 2024

Hello! I know, I know, its been over a year since you have been graced with my voice. I have been away finishing up some life stuff and really nailing down what I want this podcast to be. Minimal editing, open format nerd talk. You may have noticed the new name! I explain it all in the first episode. I look forward to sharing this with you going forward and I hope you enjoy!


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