Triangle Vegetarian Society - Community Building for the Vegan, Vegetarian and Vegetarian Interested.  

Triangle Vegetarian Society - Community Building for the Vegan, Vegetarian and Vegetarian Interested.

Triangle Vegetarian Society We try to build a sense of community among vegetarian and vegetarian-interested people, and are open to all.

Author: Triangle Vegetarian Society

Triangle Vegetarian Society ABOUT TVS The Triangle Vegetarian Society was founded in 1986 in the Triangle (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill) area of North Carolina. We try to build a sense of community among vegetarian and vegetarian-interested people, and are open to all. We have at least two events a month - a restaurant review and at least one potluck. Some of our potlucks are purely social, while others are oriented around a talk -- the Buddhist Society talking about Buddhism and vegetarianism, TVSers engaging in a roundtable discussion of ethics, the Green Party talking about political issues relevant to the ecology and vegetarianism, etc.. Our restaurant review group meets every month at an area restaurant and evaluates the establishment's food and service from a vegetarian point of view. HOW TO JOIN Join the Triangle Vegetarian Society and participate in activities with other vegetarians! Our membership is open to all vegetarians as well as to those who, while not vegetarians, desire to support the group. Please visit our webpage:
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Genres: Health & Fitness, News

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Wednesday, 1 January, 1000


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