Environmental Justice Tips  

Environmental Justice Tips

Author: Brandi Crawford-Johnson

I will be giving information Ive learned that will help you be educated about environmental justice, air quality, PFAS, water quality etc. EJ tools, and using the law to help you achieve environmental justice in your community will help you to protect the health of your family and community. None of this was taught in our schools so I would like to share what I have learned from my experience of being a victim and what I chose to do to achieve EJ for my family and community. I want to help you become aware of what we should have been told all along about the risks to our health.
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Language: en

Genres: Government

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The beginning of my Environmental Justice Story.
Episode 1
Sunday, 3 January, 2021

How my journey began in learning about environmental justice and racism and the tools you can used to fight against it like I am.


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