My Fluent PodcastAuthor: Daniel Goodson
Have you ever struggled becoming fluent in any language? Learn with an upper-intermediate English learner and join his long term language journey. Together we are stonger! Language: en Genres: Education, Language Learning, Self-Improvement Contact email: Get it Feed URL: Get it iTunes ID: Get it Trailer: |
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133 Reading In Italian Until I'm Fluent - Sarah Ifeoma
Episode 133
Sunday, 3 December, 2023
Sarah tells the origin story of her YouTube Channel (reading series), where she started out reading out loud a book in Italian. At the time she started reading on YouTube, she had only been studying Italian for 2 months! First Video: Reading in Italian until I'm Fluent of the Reading in Italian Series The Book Sarah is reading out in her series: Come Una Notte a Bali by Gianluca Gotto Italian Book Club (Facebook Group)