The Resilient Caregiver Podcast  

The Resilient Caregiver Podcast

Author: Mike and Kristin Berry

The Resilient Caregiver Podcast features real voices, sharing real hope and encouragement to caregivers, particularly on the foster and adoption journey. Hosts Mike and Kristin Berry share open and honest perspectives from the journey of foster, adoptive, and special needs parenting. Pour a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and join the conversation!
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Language: en

Genres: Kids & Family, Parenting

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How A Children's Book Author Is Turning Tragedy Into Hope
Episode 301
Friday, 16 February, 2024

With all of the negative, and often untrue, headlines that surround foster care and adoption, it's refreshing to read a story that uplifts and brings hope.  That's exactly what this week's podcast guest is on a mission to do. Dagmara Sitek is a children's book author, who is turning tragedy into hope and bringing encouragement and empowerment to children in foster care, and their caregivers, all over the world.  A Little More About Dagmara... Dagmara Sitek is a Canada-based mother of two, who is committed to children’s education and emotional well-being. Originally from Poland, she is married to a Taiwanese-Canadian. She wrote the Courage Tales series about foster care heroes because she realized something important – not all kids get a fair shot at life. 
 “Loris Opens Up His Heart” was inspired by the tragic story of 8-year-old Kamilek from Czestochowa, who died due to mistreatment by his stepfather. Dagmara's goal is to empower children through literature: Explore the transformative power of books in shaping young minds. 'Loris Opens Up His Heart' provides a medium through which adoptive or foster parents can empower their children, fostering a sense of self, understanding, and compassion. How To Connect With Dagmara... Pre-order Loris Opens Up His Heart Visit Dagmara's website Follow Dagmara on Instagram Thanks for stopping by this week ;-) 


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