Too late, I said it!  

Too late, I said it!

Author: Jess, Lauren and Lisa

Welcome to too late, I said it. The podcast where we speak before we think, judge before we've heard and assumed without the facts.Join Jess, Lauren and Lisa as they give you a sneak peak on all the weird and wonderful things that go on behind closed doors when it comes to being one of the girls, including all the awkward situations, mishaps and all round goings on that come with it! See for privacy and opt-out information.
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Improv, Kids & Family, Parenting

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Ironman, hitler and the Mona Lisa walk into a bar..
Episode 3
Thursday, 28 April, 2022

Two episodes in one week?! You lucky lot!This episode we chat about the upcoming national superhero day and what powers we would go for if we had the chance!The Amber and Johnny trial is hard to avoid in the media lately so we've had a discussion and views on that, and we came across some very strange sexual desires this week :| See for privacy and opt-out information.


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