The Lil' Drummer Girl  

The Lil' Drummer Girl

Author: The Tampa Bay Podcast Network

This show is for musicians, artists and entrepreneurs looking for ways to promote and market their business and their lives. We have live interviews with musicians, artists and folks in the industry to help you add butts in your seats for your shows, get you noticed and hone your craft.
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#94 - Finding Your True Match this Valentine's Day and Taking Care of Yourself in the Process
Episode 94
Wednesday, 14 February, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day!Today's episode I discuss the importance of remaining happy during this Valentine's Day whether or not your have a partner.Valentine's Day should be a thoughtful reminder of the importance of self-love, self-care, and your true emotional well-being.Every year it seems that Valentine's Day places these large expectations on one saying that if you don't have a partner, it is a waste of time to celebrate it. well, phooey on that I say!I began giving "self-love shopping tours" back in 2015 to help women remember that it's O.K. NOT to have a partner. They are still worthy of love. Instead, it should be a reminder that we can put ourselves first and take great care of ourselves since we're always at the hand of taking care of others.Today I discuss some of the things to think about when looking for your best partner. It's also important to take care of yourself as well with or with one. Self-care isn't selfish, it's imperative to keep you sustainable as you reach your goals. There's nothing more important than finding happiness within and not thinking of all of the externals that might help bring happiness to your heart. There's a huge misconception that happiness is dependent on our external factors such as being in love, having a fancy car, a big house, a new baby, etc. But true happiness comes from within. It is a choice we must make for it to be true.Today's episode is a little nudge for you to find joy and fulfillment within yourself. I also cover the importance of celebrating all forms of love including platonic, familial, and self-love. So grab your chocolate heart, your hot cocoa and join us. I'll see you inside.Here's to hearts, puppies and rainbows,Love Always,Dawn-MarieXOXO


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