BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast  

BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast

BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast is a podcast that delves into strange and humorous phenomena including simulacra (seeing Jesus on your toast), supernatural sightings, crypto-zoology, and so much more. Cody and Chris have created a platform on which they...

Author: BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast

BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast is a podcast that delves into strange and humorous phenomena including simulacra (seeing Jesus on your toast), supernatural sightings, crypto-zoology, and so much more. Cody and Chris have created a platform on which they discuss both sides of the phenomena (real or bulls**t) while sipping on booze and spirits that represent their chosen topic. They hope to entertain, enlighten, and maybe even educate you on all things fun and weird. Whose side will you be on? Are you a believer or a skeptic?
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Language: en

Genres: Comedy, Science, Social Sciences

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Episode 118 - Update-isode
Monday, 3 October, 2022

In this special update-isode, Chris and Cody give everyone an update on what's been going on in their lives. Chris is busy as ever being a fancy schmancy director. Cody's been traveling, and his travels have included some fun paranormal stuffs, so he shares stories and info about his friend's haunted house and also Chichen Itza, the wonder of the world where people were sacrificed and their ghosts are said to haunt the place to this day. Tune in to find out what's going on!


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