Sales Success Stories  

Sales Success Stories

Author: Scott Ingram, B2B Sales Professional

What are the best sales professionals doing to get to the top? In the Sales Success Stories podcast, Scott Ingram interviews and deconstructs world class sales performers to uncover their favorite sales books, habits, routines, strategies and tips. These salespeople are the A players among A players. If youre in B2B Sales, Enterprise Sales, SAAS Sales, selling professional services, serving as an account manager or otherwise interested in revenue growth theres something for you in these conversations. While created primarily for the individual contributor regardless of where they are in their sales career theres probably some value in here for you if youre a sales manager, sales leader or otherwise involved in revenue management, leadership or strategy. Learn more at
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Language: en

Genres: Business, Careers, Marketing

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175: Selling Human: The Importance of Making Others Feel Seen with Alex Smith
Episode 175
Wednesday, 3 April, 2024

Alex Smith is a top Senior Account Executive at Docebo, the world's most powerful learning platform, built for the business of learning. Docebo helps organizations around the world deliver scalable, personalized learning to customers, partners, and employees, driving productivity, engagement, revenue, and growth. Alex is also the host of the ‘Sell By Being Human’ podcast, a show that helps listeners hone their human skills, understand subtle similarities between non-sales people and salespeople, and show how we all can learn from both groups the next time we need to create change and sell by being human.


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