Sacred Emergence Podcast with Michelle Wong  

Sacred Emergence Podcast with Michelle Wong

Author: Michelle Wong

Michelle Wong guides you through topics on spirituality, personal growth, entrepreneurship, wellness, lifestyle design, and everything in between that can support you to grow, evolve, and step into your leadership and radiance. Expect fun, honest, authentic episodes and interviews with amazing entrepreneurs and creatives, to help you align with your soul's purpose, inspire you to be free to be who you are meant to be, and create great income and abundance in the process.
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Language: en

Genres: Education, Self-Improvement

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#164: Closing the loop - Imperfectly healing my nervous system w/ Michelle Wong
Episode 164
Monday, 18 March, 2024

In this episode, Michelle Wong shares her most recent adventures with healing her nervous system. She touches upon speaking up for herself, being gentle with the inner critic, and doing the uncomfortable work. Resources mentioned: 1) Call of the Wild by Kimberly Ann Johnson 2) David Bedbrick on IG - Unshaming 3) Electric: A VIP Breathwork Experience 4) Virtual Group Breathwork: The Electric Self - Sunday, March 31st, 2024 -- Host: Michelle Wong, #BreathworkGuide, #CourageCatalyst #SpaceHolder is an initiator, visionary, and author of Set Your  Own Sail: Fire Your Alarm Clock and Awaken to What's Possible.  She mentors women to be in full relationship with themselves, unapologetically. She uniquely blends breathwork, Human Design, Beliefetics(TM), Rapid Relief Technique (TM), intuition + self-care, and feminine leadership practices. Download your free: ⁠"I Am Supported" meditation HERE⁠. Let's Stay Connected! -Instagram (⁠@michellewong.xo⁠) -Facebook (⁠⁠) -Email community:


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