

Author: Seren infinityinlove

infinity is always in love even in finity
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Language: en

Genres: Religion & Spirituality, Spirituality

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Prayers for Loneliness
Tuesday, 26 November, 2019

~ Prayer ~ Dear God, Please hear my prayers. Please grant me peace, love, and life. I feel much pain. Please save me from this torment. I feel lost. Please hold me close, hug me and enclosed me within your embrace. I feel lonely, longing for Your Unconditional Love. Please send your Angels to comfort me, so even when there is no one else near, I know the wings of Angels are wrapped all around me in protection. Thank you, God, for Your Love! Thank you, Angels, for your hugs. I feel relieved. I am breathing. I am grateful. Amen. ====================== ~ Transcription ~ Blessings! Hello, my name is Seren & welcome to infinityinlove. Earlier this week, I experienced a panic attack of loneliness and need for physical comfort. No one was available at the time, which contributed partly to the panic attack. In my moments of deep emotional pain, I remembered to pray, to ask for help from God and Source, and it brought me out of the panic state. I want to share this prayer with you today, in the hope that it serves as a reminder to us, myself included, that prayers need not be anything but from the heart. So, let us pray together. (Breathes) AUMx3 Dear God, Please hear my prayers. Please grant me peace, love, and life. I feel much pain. Please save me from this torment. I feel lost. Please hold me close, hug me and enclosed me within your embrace. I feel lonely, longing for Your Unconditional Love. Please send your Angels to comfort me, so even when there is no one else near, I know the wings of Angels are wrapped all around me in protection. Thank you, God, for Your Love! Thank you, Angels, for your hugs. I feel relieved. I am breathing. I am grateful. Amen. (Breathes) AUMx3 OK. So this is today’s prayer. Hope you appreciated. I shall see you next time, at infinityinlove. Blessings & Namaste!


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