Cross the Rubicon  

Cross the Rubicon

Author: Cross the Rubicon

This podcast is about worldwide govt censorship of conservatives and right of centre speakers. I have been banned from YouTube because I'm right of centre with over 9,000 subscribers. This is having an impact in New Zealand and this govt want to, and have, shut me down for 3 months. I believe totally in freedom of speech and and a nation ceases to become a democracy without it. The govt of NZ now want to shut down our freedoms of speech and disarm NZers at the same time. I'm against this and doing what I can to raise awareness of the tyranny of this New Zealand Labour govt.
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Language: en

Genres: News, Politics

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Paddy Gower is a govt funded smear merchant paid to brand people nazis to destroy them.
Thursday, 12 March, 2020

Paddy Gower is a weasel who isn't blessed in any way. He's on a programme in NZ called The Project, which is supposed to be about current affairs. Instead it's hosts are far left activists who talk woke about everything. Truly pathetic viewing. Paddy interviewed an American bloke who said he was radicalized by Stefan Molyneux. Take a look at the interview with Caleb Cain and Paddy Gower and tell me Paddy Gower is a journalist.


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